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Wednesday, August 30, 2006


This is the most important post I'll publish. It is my thank you to all the people who made this dream a reality. First of all to my family,I put them through hell and I don't think anyone can really understand the torture I put my family through leading up to this fight. I admit I was a nightmare to live with and I'm sorry and I thank you. Angelo Di Carlo and his family for all their continued hard work they do for me, not only for this fight but from the start of our journey.I was lucky enough to have some great people get behind me finacially, and without this I can honestly say I don't think it would have been possible to now be classed as the Light Welterweight Champion of Australia without this help.
Graham "BUTCH" Buderus from A.E.SMITH
Jeff Hawley and his family from HAWLEY CONSTRUCTIONS
Kenny and Vicky Hamer from POOL WAREHOUSE
GREG and Narelle Wallace from EXECUTIVE FIGHT CLUB
Greg also organized a lot of other support and did a lot of extra stuff to both help myself and Angelo Di Carlo out, so to Greg and all the guys who chipped in and helped raise my sponsorship an extra thank you.
Finacially these great people allowed me to not have to work so I could soley concentrate on the fight and some part of my belt belongs to them. I am privileged enough to also have some other great sponsors who help out with equipment and clothing.
Nigel,Paul,Steve and the rest of the guys from MADISON SPORT
Gareth Williams from RIGHTCROSS
Huia Hikaiti from WE COACH- (Huia worked on keeping me mentally focused)
I have already mentioned in a previous post the great Steve Janz from KENMORE CENTRE FOR HEALTH for his super work he conducted in getting my hand in working order and to prove what a great person and supporter he is, covered all the cost of my treatment, I have also mentioned my massues Laurelea moss who kept my body in working order and also did some great work on my hand.
My Coaches Mark Wilson and Gareth Williams who work tirelessly on getting me in the right shape to fight and when ever I need anything,it is never a problem to these two guys.
A special mention must go to some great people who have been there and done a lot for me through this whole journey. Steve Morgan, Mark "CHOPPER" Burgess, Dean Kupsch, Mick Shaw, Glenn Azar, Brian Kirwan from Red Corner Promotions, my gym Logan Boxing Team who have been so patient and have stood by me,all my sparring partners, my mum and Meggsie for their help and all my brothers especially Ben, the best cornerman in town (LOL), my friends and supporters who make it so much easier with their great support.
It has been a great journey that I feel we have all done together and I'm proud to class you all as friends. Once again a huge thank you to everyone, it has truly been a pleasure to have you on my team.

Your Australian champion
Chris McCullen

Winning is a journey
Not a destination


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