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Thursday, July 13, 2006

It's a lonely sport

It's now just past 5.30am on Thursday morning, I was up early doing my roadwork today (8km at 4.15am). Some would call this crazy or ludicrous and yea so do I, this is not the time I do this everyday but yea usually early. I just thought I'd put something on here for my team to feel. All boxers will know what I'm saying or what I'm feeling. It's was so lonely and eerie out there this morning, no cars on the street, no birds making any noises,no school kids screaming, not even a single sole doing their morning walk. The only sounds I could hear were my feet pounding the road, my breathing felt so heavy but it was just so quiet it made my breathing sound so loud,all of a sudden a car drives past or a delivery driver delivering what ever it is he's delivering, but that was pretty rare. I was sprinting hills at 4.30 in the morning. This is painfull but this is what makes me become unbeatable in my mind come fight time. The only thing I could do was think and when I'm running most cases this is where my fight plan is worked out, so much time alone. It's such a lonely sport.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

You're doing great Chrisee, you're doing the hard yards alone but we are all on your side and we're proud of you mate

9:54 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

too right lonely sport! in the ring, doing road runs, bag work...etc. Time with family and friends, i cherish and value more and more!

6:40 PM  

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